Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My babies

 I remember when I was pregnant with Jace I would sit in his room and I just couldn't believe all the things that my teeny tiny baby boy had. Boy was I naive when I thought that what we had was a lot. Our house had 4 bedrooms/2 bathrooms & every room has something that belongs to the boys, weather it's a highchair or a matchbox car. The house I once thought was mine is obviously theirs, it's like they have marked their territory.

Jace's favorites consist of anything Disney Cars, he also loves match box cars (more specifically lining them up and letting "Frank" from Cars run them over. He love Diego & baby Jaguar & and watching Nick Jr. & Disney playhouse. 

Brily's favorites consist of stealing anything brother has, he loves dump trucks & tractors & he's still pretty snugly. He is still very much a mommy's boy, melts down at the thought of mommy leaving or even getting out of his sight and prefers to be carried. He does fine when it is just Mommy, Jace & him but as soon as anyone comes over he is like a leach to me. And I don't understand why because I never leave the little stinker & if I have to it is only for a little bit with a grandparent, he thinks he has been left for months at a orphanage. Brily really loves his Zoey; he wallers, snuggles & chases her all the time. Shes great & totally puts up with him. 

Now since the weather has warmed up they LOVE LOVE LOVE to be outside! Awesome Daddy found a FREE swing set & it has been a HIT! Jace howls to "swingset, swingset, swingset" the moment we pull into the drive way. Sliding down the slide on tummies is super fun & Jace is still trying to master the big boy swing and we have had quite a few tumbles.I love this stage, they are independent but still very depended on Mommy & Daddy. I love them to pieces & cannot get enough of them!!! 

"Let them be little, cause they're only that way for a while. Let them Cry, Let them Giggle, Let them Sleep in the middle. Just let them be little. "

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Where have you been....

Well that was the million dollar question growing up, "Whitnnneeey, Where have you been" normally followed by a half honest mumble off the tip of my tongue. Fortunately this time I have been up to good & out of trouble. I have been busy with the boys & Jake, I have a severe case of "spring fever", and well not blogging like I would like to be. I tried to make the commitment to blog everyday but was unsuccessful, but this time I am wholeheartedly putting myself into this blog. I want to remember these memories & never forget, I want to be able to someday sit down with my children* and allow them to read the wild and crazy things they did. So, here is to "blogging" er.... something like that.

*Hopefully someday a little femininity  will be added to this over abundance of testosterone ;)