Jace Andrew Kloss
After a grueling 40+ week of being pregnant, complication after complication, and a switch in doctors less than 24 before delivery we welcomed our beautiful baby boy on June 28th 2007.
After weeks of false labor, active labor, and stopped labor I couldn't take it anymore. I guess when they say don't question a mothers intuition, you shouldn't. I knew I was in labor and I knew I wasn't going to be able to deliver him naturally so I sought out a second opinion. I was right I needed to be induced and quick. I was told to be at the hospital the next morning at 6 a.m. There I waited with my bags packed, I was not leaving with out my baby. Induction starts, water gets broken, and the wait begins. I had contractions prior to the induction, ones that would make me nauseous but these 'induced' contracts were crazy! I demanded my husband put pressure on my back for the labor pains and endured ever check ever 30 minutes so it seemed. I waited and watched my little man on the monitors until the Dr. came in and said, "You have a window for an epidural, the anesthesiologist is going into surgery soon and if he is in surgery and you miss your window that means no epidural." With a puzzled look on my face and in extreme pain I ask "Well then what are we waiting for???" After the epidural I was in wonderland and after an exhausting 40+ weeks and crazy contractions I was going to catch me one last wink of sleep before my sleepless night began. I dozed off only to be woke up 4 hours by my mom and the nurse telling me that I was going to surgery very soon because my babies heart rate had dropped and he was showing signs of stress and I was only at 4 cm. Still a little out of it and nervous of what was ahead of me I though I'd catch another wink of sleep on the way to the O.R. Since I had already received an epidural I didn't feel my spinal block which was nice but I also didn't feel anything. Slowly my epidural made it's way up and numbed me from the top of my head down. Let me be the first to tell you it is weird to be awake, alert, and not be able to breath on your own. Yes, I was ventilated, Yes, I was fine, and YES, I was scared to death!!! For some reason (that I still don't know) I heard the Dr. say as soon as he is out, give her "that." Whats that you ask, I still don't know but after I heard the faint cry of my baby I was OUT, back to sleep I went. I awoke in the recovery room wondering where I was, who these people were, and where my husband and newborn child were. I was informed of my status and situation and told that my husband and child were in the nursery and as soon as I could wiggle my toes I'd be on my way! PSH! Wiggle my toes I can do that, so I thought. I was there another 30 minutes trying to wiggle my toes!!
A bumpy ride back to my room and I was greeted by a glowing daddy and my precious baby boy! Jace Andrew Kloss 7 pounds 12 ounces and 23 inches long. It was love at first sight!!!! After 4 days in the hospital we made our way home & have made it to where we are today, a wild 2 year old and still those sleepless nights!!!
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