Jake & Whitney
I guess you could say it all started in the winter of 2003 as a friendship and secret crush. We had become best friends, spending a lot of time together, and beginning to fall for each other. On January 17th 2004 we had our "first date" one that will never be forgotten. Between me getting severely car sick, the waitress at Ruby Tuesday's acting like I was non-existent, missing our movie, or walking around the "Red Roof" mall in the FREEZING rain with out a jacket because I didn't have one to go with my outfit; it won't be a day I'll forget. After a short 10 days of "dating" it became official on January 27th 2004 a snow day away from school that we stayed up talking on the phone until 3 a.m. That Spring Jake graduated and went to work full time as I finished up my senior year. After my graduation in 2005 we moved in together in his parents "other" empty house, Jake's childhood home. It had been rented for years, severely run down, and in desperate need of some TLC. After living together for few months and much encouragement from my family we decided to get married. I scratched my lavish plans for a church wedding and settled for the beautiful front yard of my grandparents house to QUICKLY schedule it around our good friends Mike & Jareka. So on October 8th 2005 we jumped the broom became Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Kloss.
The next year was rough and I won't lie there were times that I was afraid that we would no longer be Mr. & Mrs. but legally separated. Between going from 'yours & mine' to 'OURS' and living arrangements to a number of "Whitney grow up" moments, WE SURVIVED miraculously our first year of marriage. With a new found love for each other we promised to make it work, remembering what we vowed just 365 days prior that 'through thick or thin' we would love each other.
That next year would begin the next chapter of our lives, Parenthood. We found out in October that we would be expecting our first child. We would learn quickly not only about the child that we would be having but the loved ones we would suddenly lose. Jake's grandmother Seely & father both passed away 3 months apart. It's hard to let go knowing that the baby growing inside of you will never meet that crazy papa and grandma Seely of his, never hear the untold stories, or make memories with them. It was hard and trying but we made it through a tough pregnancy that was high risk and almost lost. But by the grace of God we welcomed in a HEALTHY baby boy on June 28th 2007 Jace Andrew Kloss weighing in at 7 pounds 12 ounces and a lengthy 23 inches. We were changed for ever by the blessing of our sweet child. We devoted our every waking moment to him. Changing him, feeding him, nurturing him, and loving him; he was our pride and joy! During that time we acquired a home here on the hilltop, a beautiful 4 bed room 2 bath home on a couple acres to call ours!
A very short 6 months later we were very surprised to find out that we would be expecting another blessing come September. Jake was overfilled with joy, what more could a father want that working toward his goal of his own football team. Me on the other hand was instantly fill with guilt, I could only think of what I would be taking for Jace. His babyhood, his attention, and sharing his love with another. Thankfully that quickly passed and was replaced with joy, happiness, and excitement. After a LONG exhausting pregnancy we welcomed our second baby boy Jacob 'Brily' Kloss on September 22nd 2008 weighing in at a whopping 9 pounds 1 ounce and 20 1/2 inches long. After a minute of jealousy toward that baby "MY MOMMA" is holding Jace welcomed his brother with slobbery kisses, brother squishes, and an occasional bonk on the noggin'.
Now are days revolve around a daring 2 year old and a lovable yet rotten 9 month old. Jace, learning to talk and climb, getting an attitude yet still being that sweet loving boy he's always been, and is growing into quite a little man. Brily, learning to crawl, use his 8 teeth, babble 'ma-ma' and 'da-da', and mimic every move of his older brother is changing before our eyes from a chubby little hunk of love into a mobile toddler.
The next chapter in our lives is yet to be told, although I have the faith that through 'thick and thin' and together we will weather the twist and turns and bumps in the road it grace.
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